Monday, January 12, 2009

Rehab and Volleyball, what a combination

Check mom out doing her rehab. She did great today...30 reps of every exercise. She also walked more today than she has in the past. I am so proud of her...go momma.

J.O. has started back...yea!!!!!! I love volleyball. Micah is on a different team this year that is closer to home due to all of the excitement around our house. We had our first tournament in Jonesboro this past weekend and guess what? They got the GOLD. Yep...first place. The cool thing about this team is they are playing up in the 17's bracket and there is only two girls that are seventeen, five that are 16, one that is 15, and one that is 14. That that is pretty impressive if you ask me. Congratulations girls...looking forward to the rest of the season with you.

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