Saturday, May 21, 2011

Micah's graduation

Wow, another one graduating. I am starting to feel my age.

We are so proud of Micah and the fact that she has longed for this day for years and she has finally arrived. Micah graduated on May 20, 2011 at the Convocation Center in Jonesboro.

Ok, I did just fine all day until Micah asked me to do her hair and makeup. Then the tears poured. It was tears of joy for her accomplishments, not sadness.
Micah just received her diploma...

This is my favorite picture of the all. I love my baby girls smile.

These boys graduated together two years ago. It was good to see them together again.

Uncle Trevor was there with a big hug for Micah.

Grandma Susie, Camdon and Micah.

Josh, Micah's Youth Pastor along with some friends, Matt and Mallorye.

My babies...

Finally, the family is all together to get a picture. A rare treat these days. I love this picture.

It was a nice surprise to see my best friend from high school, LeAnn, at the graduation.

Micah and her sweet baby, London.

Hopefully we will see this again in four years, these two standing side by side holding up their college diplomas. Kristina and Micah will be attending college together at CRC.

Micah celebrating with the May's.

Yes, she really got it!!!Micah and Aunt Pat at TaMolly's.

Andrew reminding us that in four years we will be doing this again...for the last time.

ohhhhh, MONEY, a girls favorite gift.

Awww, how sweet, Micah and London.

Micah was wanting to show off her cake and new pink shoes, so off the dress shoes, on comfort

Aunt Christine made her a door sign representing her faith, her love of volleyball, and her future college.

Jose, Micah's working buddy, who takes care of our family when one of the kids is not working.

Micah and Joshua's boss, Argentina was there to celebrate with us at TaMolly's.

Micah loves her aunt Christine.

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