Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Lisa

So, I've hijacked Lisa's blog...I think she forgot that I have her!

Anyway, if you stop by here sure and wish her a Happy Birthday!

Lisa, Thank you for being an awesome best friend. You aren't afraid to tell it like it is. You hold me accountable. You wade mud and mire to help a friend out (National Anthem). You loan me jeans when I just can't find anything to wear. You come over in the middle of the night when I need a friend (deployment). You listen when no words are needed. You laugh with me. You inspire me to be better. I love you! And I hope you have an incredible birthday!
{signed Big Girl Panties}

1 comment:

Alicia Chambers said...

Happy Birthday Lisa! I hope you have an amazing day! Been great getting to know you the last couple of weeks! Love ya! Alicia