Thursday, July 30, 2009

State Tournament Pictures

After checking out of our hotel, we had some time to kill, so we decided to go to the Clinton Library and check things out. Andrew is crazy about space and they had some exhibits there to see. I will share a few with you.

I know, you have always wondered what the space shuttles bathrooms look like, huh? Well, here you have it. Potty room and shower all in one.

The shower door closes and in cases the bathroom, I guess...that's what it looked like to us anyway.

Andrew tried out the simulators...he enjoyed landing the shuttle. Said it wasn't as easy as one would think. Really? He said he wasn't ready to do it anytime soon.

This is the space gear for getting around in space.

Andrew's dream is to someday be an astronaut. The kid has an unbelievable telescope that he shares with his family as he tells us what we are looking at. He loves the stars.

Fred and I stopped for a moment to get our picture taken together.

Michael and Andrew in front of one of the bridges in Little Rock.

Look, President Clinton loved baseball too.

This water feature was very interesting. It spilled over the side of the granite...also very refreshing on a hot day.

Leaving the Presidential Library. We had fun.

Our team during the National Anthem.

Game over...Joshua goes to the fence to text Jessie...go figure.

Joshua was very blessed to have an old friend...Evan friend in school from third grade until he moved be at his game. They still spend a week or two together every summer. It was nice to have him there.

Kyle with his dad after a long hard game.

These are the moments that I will miss.

I have been so blessed to be a part of this small community of friends. My memories, both good and bad, will be treasured in my heart forever. A lot of life's lessons and teachable moments game from baseball. I guess that's why I love the game.

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