Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm still really, I am

I am so sorry for not keeping up. I have actually been asked if I had fallen off of the planet...ha ha. I have just been very very busy. The first week of school I spent it in a class room being a sub for a teacher that broke some bones in her back. I really enjoyed it. I did come to the realization that teachers do a lot more than we are aware of. I have a deeper appreciation for them now.
I have about two weeks of our lives to share so set back and get you a cup of coffee. I will go back to Vacation Bible School at our church and share a picture of Andrew dressed in a dog costume trying to get a drink.

It was quite comical if you were there. He had to be very careful not to let the little ones see him.Dad and I took the kids out to get a snack at Burger King for all the hard work that they did at VBS. Mike and Andrew are sharing a moment together, both drinking Dr. Pepper. Don't they look just alike?

I went to Lynn's house Friday night to a Pampered Chef gathering and had a lot of fun and some great food. Lynn if you read this I made the mini hamburgers for our small group tonight and they were a hit. After the eating I headed to her Scrap room to be nosy. I love this idea, she uses egg crate to put her embellishments in. That's a cheap organizational tool for you.

And here are the Christmas cards I found lying around...I was amazed, she has her cards done, lots of cards done, and ornaments to boot. I have not even started.

I sent out an SOS for my friends to help me organize my studio area, immediately Misty came to the rescue and although it would have been great to take a picture of the beginning of the process, I didn't due to the fact that I have had no batteries for the past two weeks in my camera. When I have it all straightened up and looking like a studio, I will take pictures for you. Yes, I will get it there, those of you that are saying, "Yeah, right". I have been working very diligently on it since she has came and put so much effort into serving me but doing this for me. She did an amazing job. I be you wish you had my

Not only am I blessed with friends who organize for me, I also have a friend who loves, and I do mean loves, to hang my pictures. He wants all pictures to be straight, very annul about it. Thanks John and Mike for making my picture wall look Great!

This is a random picture that my daughter took with her camera and I loved it, so I had to share. Check out this picture that Fred drew. He loves to draw and has been acknowledged in school many times for his talent. He is following in the foot steps of his aunt Christine, who is an artist.

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