Thursday, February 7, 2008


I've got the blahs today. I feel much better, but now I have two children home sick too. It was inevitable wasn't it? No ballgames today.
I want to share a nugget of wisdom that I gained in my Bible study this morning. I am doing a Beth Moore Bible study called Stepping Up. I had to review two passages, Psalm 125:1 and Psalm 30:6-7. Here is the insight between the two verses that Beth shares with me: I realized that in my sense of security in the Lord it's not always in Him, rather in the blessings that He gives me. Example, my security more often than not, comes from my gifts, talent, loved ones, church family, consistent victory , and passion for His Word. I have grown secure in the favor God has shown me. Therefore, it is not in God, Himself, and when the trials come, and are they ever coming, if I don't change my mindset and find my security in God Almighty, I will crumble in the journey of trials. That scares me. Today is a soul searching, cleansing day for me. Will you please pray for me. I pray daily that the Lord will convict me and I praise Him that He does and He hasn't given up on me. He doesn't give up on you either. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved if you don't already know Him. You will never regret it. He never leaves you, you are never alone. Let me know if I can help you through this process.
I don't have a new card to show you but I am placing one on the blog from a few months past that my daughter and I did at a stamp camp using the bleaching technique, I hope you enjoy. Oh, by the way, it will also be the featured card in my next stamp camp. The stamp set and technique, anyway.

The same technique will be done on the card at the stamp camp but the layout will be different. Let me know what you think.

Also as a reminder, if anyone actually reads this, I will be having a stamp a stack on Feb. 18th at my house. I need you to RSVP if you think you might attend. The workshop will cost $6.00 and you make and take 5 cards all the same or with five different occasion sayings. We will begin at 6:30.

Have a blessed day in the Lord, and Happy Stampin.

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